Let the excuse that "I don't have any content" GO!!! You can create so many different variations of content just from one post. Here's how you can do it!
From one Instagram Reel that I created, I made a variety of content to fit the different platforms and the distribution of the content. The reel was entitled, 4 Reasons Your Braidless Microlink Retightening is Taking Too Long. In the reel I added a text overlay outlining the 4 reasons. See it here.
Let's see how you can take one reel and make multiple pieces of content:
I created an email marketing campaign entitled: You're Doing it Wrong. Within the email message I included the four reasons why it take your microlink retightening service too long. If you're not on our email list, click the word LOG IN on top right of our site.
I created a blog post entitled: 4 Microlink Retightening Mistakes. The blog post went into more details about why a retightening session could take too long. It gave more vivid details than was in the original reel and the email campaign. Why? Because people who tend to come to blogs, tend to want to read a bit more. They are okay with reading and getting more details if it's not in a video. So your blog post could get wordy and give your readers more of a reason to come to your site because they know all the good details lives on your blog.
If I created a text messaging campaign it would have been entitled: You're Doing It Wrong, 4 Microlink Retightening Mistakes You're Making. This message would have had the link to bring readers back to my website to read the blog post or it could have been the link to the reel or both.
For a Pinterest post it would have been entitled like the blog and a link to the blog would have been left in the caption of the Pinterest post. I would have resized the content photo to fit the Pinterest platform.
For YouTube you can simply turn the post into VLOG form ensuring that you use the right video format for YouTube and not for social media platforms.
These are just five ideas but you can include platforms like: TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIN as a part of your content distribution list. Having your business on multiple platforms is a good idea. It helps you reach people from various angles. Don't get married to one way of reaching your potential clients, clients, and/or customers.
Make sure you build up your email and text message list.