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Booking App Features You Should Use

Booking application systems are designed to help the beauty pro retain clients by helping them stay connected to their clients through features like: email and text message marketing. But, often times, these features that go under used by its users.

When we conduct training classes, we tell our students that part of them marketing their new services should be through their booking system. What we find is that many trainees have yet to explore those features of their booking system. Majority of the booking apps, no matter the company, come with email marketing, text marketing, and coupon/discount code features. If you have a booking system, you should get in the habit of sending emails or text messages to your clients from your booking app just to say hello. Get in a habit of doing this on a weekly basis. Here’s some things you can connect with your clients about through email and/or text mail marketing: 1. Send company updates - Do you have something to share with your clients about some things that may be happening in your business? Is your business moving? Does your business have a new phone number? New business hours? Adding a new service?

2. Local news - Have you heard any local news that could be beneficial to your clients? Is there a concert in the area? Road construction? New restaurant?

3. Share a tip - Got a hair tip? Health tip? How-to? Share that with your clients, they appreciate the information.

4. Just drop in - Just simply drop in your clients email to say hello, to say thank you, to share some motivation! Your clients love that too!

You can use the coupon codes to reward regular clients or bring back clients you haven’t seen in a while.

Just stay in front of your clients and watch your clients grow and you client retention increase.

Grab a copy of our e-book Booking App Comparison Guide to learn more about our top 5 booking apps and their features.

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